This is a place where you can look at some of my past projects. I will always put my most recent project at the top. As you scroll down I hope you'll be able to see my development as a creative and see how I started vs where I am now!
Solo Dev
SOOTFOOT is a Mascot Horror game prototype I made for my Honours Year Research Project at Massey University - Bachelor of Screen Arts with Honours.
After awakening in a dark and twisted funhouse labyrinth with nothing but a dying flashlight you must use everything you can to find the 3 keys scattered around to unlock the door to escape this nightmare. All the while Sootfoot, a demonic jester, thirsts for your blood and he's on the hunt for his prey.
Movement System
Solo Dev - Research Project
This is a small research project I made in Unreal Engine 5.3. My goal was to make a fast paced and fun movement system that makes the player feel like a Space Marine from Warhammer 40k. I had many inspirations, some of which are Doom: Eternal and Titanfall 2. Maybe this research project will lead on to a project later down the line, but even if it doesn't I am proud of the work that I have been able to accomplish!
Bobbi Bones
Game Designer, Audio Engineer, Tech Artist, Prototyper
Bobbi Bones is an isometric action game made in Unity. As Bobbi (the wise-cracking skull), attach mismatched limbs, challenge the evil inmates in a body-warping prison, and follow Bobbi’s struggle with their identity. In the vertical slice, you face Duke Beezle Bufo, a man whose selfishness turned him into a giant lava-spewing toad! Do Bobbi’s motives make them more villainous than Bufo, or do their heroic actions reveal their true self?
Office Inc.
Director, Writer, Game Designer, VA Director
Office Inc. is a meta narrative game made in Unreal Engine 5. You are the 427th player to play as David, a regular man with a regular 9 to 5. The Narrator wants you to make David do his job and follow orders. The Narrator quickly realises that the developers have not made much of a game and decides to take on the development himself, creating simple puzzles and tasks for David while he had his way to the bosses office.
Fixed Camera Angles
Solo Dev
This is a video of my 'Fixed Camera Angle' 3rd Year Research Project. It was a solo dev project and my first time using Unreal Engine and was a great way to learn and explore creating environments and the blueprint system. This project was created within 6 weeks and was a way for me to build a passion project.
The Wright Cat's Tale
Game Designer, Programmer, Audio Engineer
This is my 2nd year Vertical Slice project titled 'The Wright Cat's Tale'. This was a 3 person project. It was created in about 11 weeks and was our first time using Unity in a team.
You play as a wright cat who uses their big hammer to save their kingdom from monsters!
Concept Artist, Programmer
This is Hnefa, a video game adaptation of the Nordic Board Game 'Hnefatafl'. Hnefa is a tactical diplomacy game where the player must speak to the human counterparts of board game pieces to have them move. Will you be able to say the right thing and save your king? Or will your choices lead to the downfall of your village?
Cube Hell
Solo Dev
This is 'Cube Hell' my first game project created in 6 weeks within my first year of study at Massey University. It was a solo dev project made in Unity and was my first game project.
Welcome to Cube Hell! A trial of combat awaits! Can you and Cubert fight through the enemies to make your way out of hell?
More Coming!!
More Coming!!
When I create more, I'll be adding them here!!