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M O V E M E N T  S Y S T E M


- Designing and Programming for connected player systems

- Analysis of similar systems and implementation of research

- Rapid prototyping and development for testing

I recently spent a couple of days working on a 'Movement System' research project in Unreal Engine 5.3 and it's been an absolute blast!


This is my first time focusing on player movement within the UE blueprint system and I have already learned so much and I'm not even done!


I've used Titanfall 2 and Doom Eternal as heavy inspirations for this movement system, with the goal of making the player feel like a Space Marine from Warhammer 40k (hopefully this will spiral into a future project!) and I think I'm getting there!


The features I've implemented so far are the following:

- Wall Running

- Vertical Wall Running

- Wall Climbing

- Double Jump

- Dash

- Ledge Grab/Ledge Climb

- Mantle

- Quick Mantle


Overall, I think this project was successful! I learned so much about using the Unreal Engine Blueprint system and how to effectively create a fun and interesting movement system.


This project may work as a precursor to a future project but only time will tell!

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